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Let's talk about money . . .

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Undeniably, wherever you are, money is always meant. In the current era, almost all are rewarded with money. Money is often a source of argument between the couple. There is a wise proverb says, happiness can not be bought with money. But if the happiness with the couple until disturbed just because of money, of course no one wants it?
There are a few tips you can use:

1. First of all take time, invite your partner to talk, equate the perception of the concept of money, what he thinks about money?, As a means to have fun, or facilities that can provide security? Discover, how you and your spouse spend money; "spendthrift" or "thoroughly"? Then once you understand each and equalize the perception of the concept of this money, you will be easier to discuss, share your feelings, your view about money. If you already have the same view regarding the use and ways to use money wisely, disputes over money could certainly be avoided if you have the same view.

2. Then spend some special time to discuss your attitude to discuss with your spouse about finances together. This includes, style you and your shopping partner. Because you and your partner easily get the money, you and your spouse may include the always expensive purchases without regard to or not, it's been a priority or not. In the meantime, having difficulty making money, when shopping, you should always check the price. Try not to difference of opinion can make you and your spouse disagrees, of course, would interfere with your shopping and your partner.

3. If you and your spouse are compact about shopping, then make the budget (about making your family's financial budget can be read on my writing first with the family budget label). Calculate how much income you and your spouse, the amount of the bills every month, and decide who will be responsible for paying them off. Then agree how much money spent for each expenditure, especially for entertainment such as vacations, clothing, film, the streets and eating outside the home. Try to be fair not to one party feels burdened.

4. Learn financial tips from the experienced. One of them maybe you can learn from financial experts or from next of kin can also, as a joint account for shared expenses. Use the account to pay the bills. Keep you and your spouse can fill this post on a regular basis every month.

5. Whatever you feel about money, there is still one very important thing, which you should not ignore: long-term goals. Think about the future for both. Make a wish list which will be achieved both, for example, have a dream house and private cars, two holidays abroad, pension funds, or education savings for children.

6. According to financial experts, the principle who had the biggest income required to pay the largest part of the division of expenditure had to be done. If this is your deal, do this duty with pleasure and patience. If you later have improved financial condition will also bring positive results also for your relationship together. You object to this principle? Nothing was no other way. You and your spouse can make the appropriate financial solutions, fair and mutually agreed.

7. Costs such as sick unexpected repairs to the car suddenly broke down also require attention. If you do not immediately find a solution, will easily make you and your spouse argue. For that, start setting aside an emergency fund, so that if a problem occurs, you have the funds ready to use.

8. Talk heart to heart to find a solution. Try to be sensitive and wise. If someone feels wrong and pressed, he would be more difficult to talk to. If that happens, it would be difficult to find a solution together.

9. If you have not reached agreement, subject to spinning without end base, it may be time to ask the opinion of others more experienced. Can be close friends to engage a financial adviser who would be happy to assist you both.

10. Although the contents of the wallet in a critical condition and thin, remember to remain together romantically. Financial problems can make the heart is stressed, but with a fixed share the love with hugs and kisses did not need a big cost, is not it? Take advantage of times of challenge like this to give each other strength. It's time to show to your partner, you will always be with him in a happy and hard. One thing that also needs to remember is happy because you still have each other.

Should your spouse go to work?

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When you're thinking to determine whether you both need to have two-income or single income, your focus to answer the following questions;
how much net income will you receive after deducting costs and Saving Family Life Routine?
After that, consider whether the amount of such income to satisfy you or not.
Next, consider again whether the amount of income comparable to the things you no matter what sacrifices, such as lost time with your child, and in educating and caring for children (no longer need to nurse), and others.

In the review of economic factors, if you both work, there are components of the Cost of Living that will increase, and there are also components of the new Cost of Living that will appear, compared with, if you both have an income.

The components are:
1. Child care and education. If you both work outside, you would not like to leave your child alone at home. You need a nanny and you have to pay their salaries every month.

2. Entertainment and children's toys. When the child was left home with a caregiver, you must be thinking to provide more entertainment and toys for children are not bored with the loneliness.

3. Eating outside the home. With little time to cook, you and your partner will more often eat outside the home. Especially at lunchtime, and eating outside the home would be more expensive than shopping and cooking yourself.

4. Transport home and away from home to work. If one spouse was just that the cost of transportation, now husband and wife would be the cost of transportation.

5. Other matters related to employment. As expenditures for purchases of; work clothes, shoes, bags, and more.

Do not ever underestimate your expenses above. Before any of you to take the decision to work or not, try to calculate these costs carefully on paper, and compare it with if one of you stay home.

Here are the key to determine whether you both need to work or not:
• if after the count, the rest of your money alone is greater than if only one person working, so (in terms of economy) would be better if you both work.

• But if that happens the opposite, namely the rest of your money were smaller than when only one person is working, then (in terms of economics) would be better if only one person working.

Sometimes, the decision to have two incomes, are not always based on financial reasons. The job satisfaction can provide for you, make your intellect unearthed. Works just like to socialize, to fill the time, and the job was so much fun. If indeed these reasons that appear the Finance Factors may be number two.

Having Your Family Budget Deficit?

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What should you do if your family budget deficits?
One of the objectives of budgeting is to ensure that you are not experiencing a deficit, which is when your spending is greater than the income.
What if your family budget deficits? What if you’re spending is greater than the income? This is the point in making a budget; because you can take reasonable precautions to avoid the Family Expenditure is greater than its revenues.
If the above items can not be avoided then you should start to consider taking steps as follows:

1. Plan to increase your income by adding the components (such as not only rely on income from work, but the income jobs or additional business elsewhere.), and increase the amount of money received.

2. Plan to reduce your expenses, by reducing its components (such as by no longer spending money for certain expenses that have not been a priority), and reduce the amount of money that will be issued.

If you can not, or you are still experiencing a deficit, then....

3. Plan to increase income and reduce your expenses at the same time, by adding components, and increase the amount of money you receive.

Until now when people experience in making the budget deficit, which first occurred to them was how to reduce spending-expenditures. How to think like this should be changed. Frugality is good, but cut back on spending should not be the first priority.

His first priority is to figure out how to increase revenue. This kind of thinking more positively when compared to directly reduce expenses.

So if you do not find a way how to increase revenue, then you can start thinking about how to reduce expenses. Remember the lack of money in the middle of the road can be prevented only if you have a budget.

How to ensure your family finances, not out of the budget?

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We assume you have a family budget, the budget is, you know that your spending is greater than the income, of course with the budget already, you can fix it before it happened, so that your expenses will not be greater than your income.

What if in the days of running your expenses were greater than had been budgeted? Or your income is less than what you have planned? There is no easy answer to this, but below there are some tips you can follow:

1. If you are saving for a specific purpose in the future, either short-term goals and long term, you try to save first so you get the money, before you spend the rest of your living expenses or for other needs.

2. If you are in the process of debt payments, pay your debts first, before spending the rest for your living expenses or for other needs.

3. Then how about the living cost component? You can put your income by classifying the method of payment; payment by cash and auto debit payment. How to pay with cash needs for example shopping in stores, markets, who do not have auto debit facility. So you have to provide some cash to spend. Then the second, with a system bank account, by opening a bank account for each such payment post examples of electricity, telephone, drinking water companies, by way of auto debit. Of course you have to keep filling the money back into this account each month.

Indeed, a little trouble, in making and planning the family budget. But, sometimes there are efforts that should you spend so you do not miss the budget you have set yourself.

So have a great planning..

How to create a family budget wisely.

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By creating a family budget, then you can plan in advance your cash flow before finally your income and expenses realized. Family budget can also prevent your run out of money in the middle of the month.

Here's how to create a family budget wisely.
Basically, the budget can be divided into two, namely Income and Expenditure.
Income is the amount of money you earn each month (if your monthly income) both of employment, private business, or from investments. As for expenditure, divided into four (not including taxes, because when we get income, usually it has been cut income taxes):

1. Payment of Debt. You may have a debt to another party you must pay every month.
This debt should be your priority to ensure that you will pay the debt regularly.

2. Regular savings. You do not always have sufficient funds to achieve financial goals that you have set. Maybe you need to prepare before these funds so that financial goals are you specify can be achieved. If so, saving regularly is a must. The amount you save would vary, depending on how much money will you need later and how well the investment results can be found each month. To determine how many you save by using the results of certain investments, you can seek advice from a Financial Planner.

3. Insurance premiums. This is the amount of duty you must pay to the insurance company to obtain insurance coverage. If you pay the annual insurance premium, then write how many that you pay each month on average.

4. Cost of Living. Cost of living is the cost you should spend to stay alive. These costs cover your living expenses as a human, your family life, and living your household, and other costs that are directly or indirectly are associated with it. Cost of Living usual divided into several components:
- Shopping families
- Your Personal Shopping
- Personal Shopping your spouse
- Cost of transportation
- Cost of treatment of children
- Cost of Telephone, Electricity, Water
- Domestic Salary
- Clothing and accessories
- Entertainment, toys
When you're a big boy, your living cost component may be increased by:
- Child allowance
- Education Extra (tutoring, course-Course)

Why the Cost of Living in the priority placed last?
This way is taken to ensure the achievement of your Financial Goals. So far most people are wrong put priority on saving money on a regular basis. The usual way in saving people during this is the first by spending their income, just the rest (if any) deposit to achieve their financial goals.
This method has a weakness: if the rest do not exist, then there is not to save.
This weakness can be overcome by way of saving first, and after that the money used for cost of living. That is why the components of living expenses put the very last place.

Wisely Payment

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Now many are offered interesting ways of payment. However, the way is most beneficial for us?
We will discuss the pros and cons of each.

The first priority I would suggest for you to make a payment, is to use Debit Card, when you have two choices, whether you will pay with cash or use debit cards, then you should use your Debit Card. With a Debit Card there is no harm that would be found. Instead you will get the benefit because the bank generally will give points that allow you to spend again.
In contrast to when you use cash, which you usually do not get anything. Reduced cash in your wallet will also require you to always return to the Automatic Teller Machine in order to take the money. And you always need the cash in your wallet. So use the Debit Card as a first priority.

What about Credit Cards?
If you use credit cards properly, credit cards can serve as a friend. But if not, Credit Card will be your enemy.
Because almost all places in general have received the Credit Card, it is necessary also for you to have a Credit Card. Although not often used, but only as a precaution in case you need them.

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Hi, I'm Kandasastra and I write to GetFinanceTips dedicated to anyone in the world, who wanted a more comfortable life and a financial plan, hopefully GetFinanceTips, may inspire you to exercise restraint and monitor all financial activities of your daily together family, your spouse, and the people you love.
I started to build GetFinanceTips in early January 2010, the new indeed, and of course there are still some shortcomings that will be updated over time. Your support and feedback from the article that the post, is desirable. Especially, you are more experienced, certainly very helpful towards the development of GetFinanceTips improvement in times to come.
During the last two years, I enjoyed my days as a Financial Colsultant in one of the largest insurance companies in the world, reading is my hobby since childhood, I love to read any topic, enjoy music and movies, travel, collection of plants, exercise , and driving 4x4 vehicles in the wild, still like I do until now. From these hobbies, I have prepared more than a hundred (and still will continue to grow) articles, tips, and share experiences which I will post here.
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